Quiko Plus
Due to the high nutritional values of Plus, you can strengthen the rearing feed with nutritional value during the time in which the juveniles leave the nest at weaning and in the first molt. So that the young birds, even if they eat only a little, ingest enough of the important nutrients in the crucial growth phase.
- Ideal for young birds in the nest from the first day until the end of the molt
- Extra proteins
- For all ornamental bird species
Plus intensifies all metabolic processes and thus strengthens the resistance (even in young animals). Plus contains the vitamins biotin, B1, B2, B6 and B12 as well as 29 amino acids and minerals in their natural form.
Keep cool and dry.
The interaction of the ingredients of Forte (not too much and not too little) prevents the loss of performance during breeding and covers the entire vitamin and mineral needs. This recipe for success is perfectly rounded off by the administration of Plus for young birds.
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