Ronivet 12% (25g)


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Ronivet 12% was formulated by veterinarians to treat Trichomoniasis (canker), Cochlosoma, Giardia and Hexamita infections by in-water medication.



Use 1 teaspoon per 2 gal of drinking water for 7 days.

Dose rate may be altered on the advice from a veterinarian.

Trichomoniasis in Budgerigars: Treat all breeders for 7 days 4 – 6 weeks before breeding. Treat all young for 7 days after fledging.

Cochlosoma: Treat all breeders for 7 days prior to breeding season.

Treat all young for 7 days after fledging.

Hexamita and Giardia: Treat for 7 days as indicated by your veterinarian.

ADMINISTRATION: Mix Ronivet 12% with clean tap water. Dissolve powder completely.

Made up Ronivet 12% solution may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Empty and refill drinking water containers with medication daily.

Remove all other sources of water during treatment.




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